Directed, written, and produced by Kelsey Egan, “The Fix” centers on Ella (Grace Van Dien), a model whose life is transformed after taking an all powerful drug at a party. These mutations are one of a kind, and Ella is looking for a “fix” to cure her condition. Egan, who previously directed “Glasshouse,” talked to Deepest Dream about “The Fix,” screenwriting, and how South Africa shaped her as a filmmaker.
Daniel Sharman co-stars as Eric, the CEO of a pharmaceutical giant named Aethera. The company has a direct investment in the drug that Ella took, and Eric wants to bring her in and possibly use Ella as his guinea pig.
“The Fix” does not have an immensely likable protagonist in Ella. Since she is going through her share of troubles, compounded with her recent transformation, Ella not in the best of moods. This creative approach was intentional for filmmaker Kelsey Egan.
“We had a lot of conversations about that,” said Egan. “And I just feel it’s more authentic, it’s more real. We all have our flaws and have the areas in which we struggle. Or the areas in which we don’t cope with our own trauma very well. We’re just trying to make life work and make us work. Delving into the, the harsher realities of that and not just putting sort of a glossy spin on everything is more authentic to real life and the type of content that interests me more.”
Check out our review of “The Fix” (both Eric Holmes and I recommend the movie) on the latest CinemAddicts (listen on YouTube or Apple Podcasts):
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Egan’s passion for South Africa started after she graduated college. “I just fell in love with (South Africa),” said Egan. “And then realized there was an industry there and realized that there was some very exciting service industry opportunities and that very big productions from Hollywood and from Europe and UK that were coming to shoot there that was an opportunity.”
“To be the type of storyteller, to develop the type of voice I wanted to have, I felt it was really important that I get out of my bubble, which was a very specific bubble,” added Egan. “And to just gain perspective. I needed to live and and know what it felt like to be a fish out of water or to be other in a space and just, I guess, see if I could sink or swim.”
Catch my interview with Kelsey Egan below via YouTube or Apple Podcasts:
You can rent/purchase “The Fix” on Digital. Let us know your thoughts on the movie!
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