‘CinemAddicts’ Podcast Interview With ‘Eating Animals’ Director Christopher Quinn

Eating Animals, based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s book, takes an in-depth look at the destructive nature of factory farming. Directed by Christopher Quinn and narrated by Natalie Portman (who also produces), Eating Animals is a documentary that is definitely worth checking out. Below is the audio of my interview with Quinn.

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Eating Animals – CR: Sundance Selects

Along with delivering some eye opening information about factory farming, Eating Animals (which took over 5 years to make) also focuses on the lives of the individuals who attempt to take a stand against the system. Whether it’s being a whistle blower (James Keen) or a passionate turkey farmer (Frank Reese), the odds are predictably stacked against them. Below is my interview with Quinn as well as the audio breakdown:

:53 – Christopher Quinn on how Eating Animals, based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s book, is a documentary that doesn’t preach to the choir.
1:41 – Christopher Quinn discusses his own journey during the making of Eating Animals (he was a meat eater going into the project).
3:18 – 99% of the meat and dairy that we eat comes from corporate farms! Quinn also talks about Frank Reese, a turkey farmer who’s featured prominently in the documentary.
4:08 – Quinn discusses whistle blower James Keen, who is also prominently featured in the project. 
5:30 – On collaborating with Jonathan Safran Foer and Natalie Portman.
7:10 – Christopher Quinn’s previous directing credit was the acclaimed God Grew Tired of Us. He talks about why he takes an extended period of time between projects.

Eating Animals (CR: Sundance Selects)

***To check out my review of Eating Animals, check out the latest episode of CinemAddicts (the discussing w/ Anderson Cowan begins at 47:46):